It is Easter Sunday, where we celebrate Christ's victory over death and sin. Praise be to God!
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Posted by Cathy Curths at 9:23 AM 6 comments
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Holy Week
Today is Palm Sunday and the beginning of Holy Week. Each day has significance for Christains. Palm Sunday marks Jesus's Triumphal entry into Jerusalem. Mattheww 21: 7-9
7 They brought the donkey and the colt and put on them their cloaks, and he sat on them. 8 Most of the crowd wspread their cloaks on the road, and others cut branches from the trees and spread them on the road. 9 And the crowds that went before him and that followed him were shouting, x“Hosanna to ythe Son of David! zBlessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna ain the highest!”
Posted by Cathy Curths at 3:26 PM 4 comments
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
This song by the Three Dog Night was a big hit around 1970's they still sound good some 40 years later without Chuck, dispute? This song brings back memories of sixth grade in Mr. Richards class, a young good loking teacher who had a little hippie in him. I used to go spend the night with my friend Sue who had found his number in the phone book. We spent many nights calling him and then hanging up when he answered. He was on to us though, Sue must have slipped up as she was the one making the calls. we made tie dyed shirts that year and as a class we made an hip movie! Our class sang this song for the sixth grade talent show. I'll never forgrt that! Funny how we forget so much yet silly things stick in our memory banks forever!
Posted by Cathy Curths at 4:07 PM 3 comments