Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Speech Therapy

I'm going to take people's advice and give Speech Therapy a whirl. I've never had the gift of gab, but now it's worse than ever~ Maybe the therapist will show me ways to better communicate. I figure I have nothing to lose, and communication is a important part of life. I used to love to go to the Bible discussion group, but now don't want to participate beacuse of my speech. I've never had the gift of gab anyway. As a child I had a lisp and the grade school offered me speech therapy, I was embarrased and declined. I've already figured out a few tricks; talk softer, shorter sentences, etc. There are some positives, I have to shut up and listen more!
Love, Cathy


Greg Dymerski said...

Cathy- I hope speech therapy is helpful, you deserve every advantage available. Your strength is so inspirational to me you don't even know how much. You also made me cry tonight. Love, Greg

Cathy Curths said...

I think you are the strong one! To battle cancer and keep working; and Yvonne to do all she has done. I guess these health issues showed us all what's really important in life.
Love, Cathy

john said...

Hey, you are all doing a great job. By the way, what is that cat doing on our bed ? Love Dad and Alice

Cathy Curths said...

she's waiting for you, haha. Just kidding, she's back at Alica's apt again. Good thing Alicia wants her cause she's a handful!

Mary D. said...
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Mary D. said...

I misspelled a word above so let's try again. This communication stuff is hard! ;-)

So what's wrong with a cat on the bed. Try 5 sometime! :-)
Cathy, you communicate much better than most people I know--honestly and authentically. What good is it if someone talks well if what they are saying isn't honest and real? Alan was saying the other night what good writers both you and Greg are.
Hope the speech therapy goes well.

Greg Dymerski said...

Thanks Mary, good point especially about Cathy- honesty and truthfulness are clearly important in her musings/writing. Truth is an afterthought to so many- it's sad. Greg