Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Get off my butt and do something!

I was at Kaiser today checking in for a breathing test today (they want a comparison to one previous one.) I looked to my right and there was a man in a wheelchair, hooked up to a ventilator and a computer to communicate with. I don't know for sure what he had, I think it was ALS. I felt so guilty at that moment that my legs and arms work and his don't. It struck me how important it is for us as a society to try to find a cure. Then I wondered who was with him, his wife or daughter; and how do they cope with what each day brings. Then I thought about how much people do suffer in this life. But believers know that in Heaven we will have new perfect bodies, the old one will be gone. And that our suffering is nothing compared to what Jesus went through. I was reminded about how temporary this body is. I wanted to go over and say something, but couldn't think of the right words. There are some fund-raisers coming up, Les and I will participate in this ALS fundraiser


Greg Dymerski said...

Looks like my kind of fund raiser, bridge to brews! Nice post Cathy. Yvonne has a class that weekend or I would do it just for the brews.
