Friday, May 7, 2010

Back in Parkrose

Les has a few well deserved days off, so we went over to the old neighborhood and walked around Glendoveer. It's still a great walking trail. Then over to the Grotto, all the Rhodies are in bloom, very pretty, plus we are finally being treated to some Sunshine. Gonna spen the rest of the day getting our Garden ready and Les's working on our fence.


Anonymous said...

Sounds nice. Alan and I had some nice runs down (was it) 122nd? to Glendoveer and through the trees there. My big question--are the bunnies still all over the place?
It has been high winds here for over a week with a cold bite to them. Nothing much wanting to grow here yet except grass and the trees budding out. Pretty colors. Alan has planted over half the garden but not much is coming up yet. Too cold.
Enjoy the gardening.
Hope you are doing okay.

Mary D.

john said...

Cathy, see you soon. Hope the Rhodies are still in bloom. Love you , dad and Alice

Cathy Curths said...

No bunnies Mary, just squirel's. The rabbits were peoples pets who were being dumped. They were cute and Ryan liked to feed them as a toddler, but they were not suited to that life. Enjoy the river trip, Alan and Mary. The Rhodies will still in bloom and good weather except for Monday.
Love, Cathy