Monday, June 21, 2010

Watch out for the Mail lady!

I was walking my walk this morning, I stopped at a corner, the Mail lady stopped too, but then when I went she started to go, too. I am fine, she wasn't going fast and I threw my arms up on the front of her jeep; then she saw me! She wanted to talk  but I just waved my arms to tell her to forget about it. I'm sure she'll be more aware of pedestrians now. A lesson for me, too. Never asume someone knows I'm there!
Have a great day, Cathy


Cathy Curths said...

I have lots of strawberries frozen up, so you'll have plenty. They are good this year.

Greg Dymerski said...

You have strawberries??? None up in the Puget Sound area. Oh well. The mail truck actually hit you? You are too nice; Kramer would have called Jackie Childs right away!

I hope you are doing good, I seem to be improving slowly but surely.

Love, Greg

Cathy Curths said...

Well she started to go and then saw me and slammed on the brakes. I threw my arms up on her Jeep. Glad you are improving. Lots of prayers have come your way,
Love, Cathy

Cathy Curths said...

Yes we have Strawberries here, Dad can bring some of my frozen ones up if you want.

Cathy Curths said...

Alicia came by with her boyfriends mini Dachshund, Sadie. She's so cute and gives kisses. Alicia takes her everywhere. Puff gets so jealous, goes outside and won't come in.

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