Saturday, July 24, 2010

Fun day Friday

Me, Alicia, Jolene and Joan spent the day at the Zoo, then I tagged along with Alicia and Jolene and friends at the Oregon brewfest at Waterfront park. A little over priced for my tastes, but a chance to hang out with Alicia. I only had a little beer cause of my medication. Her boyfriend drove me back to where my car was. A fun day all in all :)


john said...

Cathy, thanks for the photos. Glad you had a good day. Love you guys Dad and Alice

Cathy Curths said...

Love you, too. I hope it isn't too hot there. Hot here for the weekend!

Greg Dymerski said...

Sounds like a good time, I would've been tempted to jump in the water!

Cathy Curths said...

Oh no not in that water we're talking the Willamette, sewage over-flows! Not this far down. maybe further up. But it's pretty and all the bridges are neat. I hope you feel better soon.

Anonymous said...

Great pics of the brewfest and you and Alicia! Sounds like fun and looks like the NW is having a beautiful summer. It has been in the 90s here lately. Hope your appointment on the 28th went well and you found some good news. We are thinking of you!
Mary D.

Cathy Curths said...

Well I have an auto immune disorder and More meds to take which are hard on the liver I'm glad I had that brew while I still could!