Saturday, September 11, 2010

Where were you?

Where you you that morning? What do you remember about that day?


john said...

Cathy, what aday Sept.11. We know where we were that day, just like the j.F K. assination. How are the kids doing ? Love Dad and Alice

john said...

Sorry i mispelled assasination.

Cathy Curths said...

The kids are fine, Ryan's going to PSU, not sure what classes he'e taking. Alicia is working and taking the next Anatomy and Phys class she needs.
Love, Cathy

Cathy Curths said...

Thanks Dad and Alice for the very nice card and money for our anniversary. We'll go out to eat for sure, it's our 25th thios year!

john said...

Cathy, We or i was working at Bests Apparel, soon to be Nordstrom that day, remember it well. Bad news to pass on, Ray Heath`s wife Irene was just diagnosed with cancer. She has it in her lungs ,colon and brain.Ray had his cancer come back too! Love Dad and Alice

Cathy Curths said...

Oh no! I need to keep them both in my prayers. Thanks again for the aniversary card and money.
Love, Cathy

Cathy Curths said...

I don't understand why suffering exists. I know that it happens to all of us in one way or another. I know that God has rewards for us if we don't lose faith. I he their kids will be able to help in any way they can.
Love, Cathy

Liz said...

I found your blog quite by accident - but maybe God wanted me to read it!

I was in Portsmouth, UK on the 9/11horror and if I'm truthful, back then I didn't even know what the twin towers were.........I was about to give a presentation to a local governemnt department, but it was brought to an abrupt end as the seriousness of it started to hit! My ex-husband phoned me to tell me as well and to ask me to get home asap, as I think he thought it was the start of WW3 (maybe it was in some ways)...

I wish you and your family well - peace and happiness to you all,

Liz x