Tuesday, February 1, 2011


After a month hiatus my little friends spent the night with us, in bed and under our covers! Puff used to sleep on our bed, don't really miss that. Sunny here but east wind and chilly.


Anonymous said...

Hi Cathy, cold here but starting to warm up. Cats get on the covers here, never under them(that I know of.) I hope spring comes soon for you guys. Love Alan

Cathy Curths said...

I hope spring reaches you as well! I wouldn't do very well in those temps.
Love, Cathy

Greg Dymerski said...

Great photo Cathy. You look very happy to have two friends cuddling with you. Love, Greg

Cathy Curths said...

Hope everything is going well up there
Love, Cathy

john said...

Cathy, nice picture of you and pups. Anything new in your illness,like doing somethig new on the situation you have ? Keep us updated. Love you guys, Dad and Alice

Cathy Curths said...

Hunk, the bigger brother of Sadie, likes me too much if you get my drift! He likes to get on my leg and do his thing. Sean says he only does it around me but he's kidding because Sadie's learned it from Hunk. He's been fixed so who knows. But I still enjoy having them over, good distraction. I think I told you I'm on another pill for scleroderma but it takes awhile to see if it helps. My last visit with Neuro: he said the ALS is stable. I read it can do that but it's different with each person. He does the same strength test every time I go in. He hasn't done any other tests since he did the last emg and diagnosed me. I asked him in a email if he would do a spinal tap, I read that they can tell more. He said he would order one if I want but he thinks it's not necessary with my diagnosis. He's going to talk to me about it in March when I see him next. The scleroderma is in my hands making it harder to button and write. Sleep helps a lot energy levels. So how are you and Alice?
Love, Cathy

Anonymous said...

Beautiful picture, Cathy! Glad you have some visiting canine friends. Hope you are staying stable and the doc can tell you more in March. It warmed up to the 20s but headed back to single digits again. Looking forward to spring.
Keep smiling- you have a great one!
love and prayers,

Cathy Curths said...

I hope it warms up there soon, have a great weekend
Love, Cathy

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superman said...

Nice blog!
It looks beautiful!

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john said...

Cathy, We are enjoying every day here in San Diego. I think about you every day, and say a prayer every day also. Hope you cherish each day as you go along. We are all blessed. Love Dad and Alice

Cathy Curths said...

Prayers are the best thing we can do. We are blessed for sure. I do cherish each day and focus on all the things I can do instead of fretting about what I can't. I can still get in my car and drive around town, take Puff for a walk, more like a stroll for her now, etc. And I'm blessed to have so many people that care.the weather looks great down there! Not bad here, some dry days mixed in with the wet ones. It's sunny and pretty today. I see the Chickadees hanging around the bird house.
Love, Les and Cathy