Saturday, July 2, 2011

Fire hose

Les calls my tube a fire hose because a few times I didn't get the plug on tight enough and my gastric contents went shooting out. Not gaining much weight yet but maybe it just takes time. Dr. Stigler wants to see me in six weeks instead of three months, he must know something I don't. They go by a timeline of what the average patient will be at. He wanted to know how I'm doing emotionally, i told him I am holding my own and my faith in God helps a lot. Also having a husband like Les is a huge help. My gosh I've been going to Dr. Stigler for almost two years. He was nicer than usual this time, I surprised him with a hug this time. I am looking forward to Alicia's Wedding and seeing family, hopefully the day will go smoothly, but it seems there is always some little mishap at weddings! Family: see you soon!Ps Les shoud have left the Robin's nest, she's building another one in the same spot!


Anonymous said...

Cathy, great blog post! Please don't worry about the more frequent doctor visits, it will give you a chance to give more hugs... and maybe get more hugs. Your faith and life will continue to keep you going on the right track. The wedding will be fun, and things will work out just fine. I will trade you the Robins for all of the English sparrows and starlings roosting in my eaves. Love, Greg

john said...

Cathy, Sounds like they are keeping a close eye on you . Take advantage of everything. See you guys soon. Love Dad and Alice

john said...

Cathy, Sounds like they are keeping a close eye on you . Take advantage of everything. See you guys soon. Love Dad and Alice

Cathy Curths said...

Thanks Dad and Greg,
We had a nice fourth at the park, I did my feedings there and nobody really noticed which was nice. Then Alicia and the weiners came and wathced fireworks with us, Sean had to work. He's still working nights thru Sept. Best fireworks show.
See you soon
Love, Cathy

Anonymous said...

Cathy, it was good to see a new post and hear how things are going. I imagine it is hard to get used to all your medical tech stuff. Sounds like your doctor is concerned. Glad you got out and saw some fireworks. We spent a quiet day working around the house and saw lightening (with a nice rain storm) for our fireworks. Keep us posted.
Mary D.

john said...

Cathy, How is everything going ? Looks like you can get some sun , Enjoy it. See you very soon. Love Dad and Alice

Cathy Curths said...

Some but it's been very cool for summer. Long range is making me nervous, they're showing rain showers, I hope it's gone by the 20th! I'm about the same.
Love, Cathy

Cathy Curths said...

The forecast changed overnight! Now it's showing 75 and sunny. Still cool for this time of the year but no rain:)

Cathy Curths said...

I went to Nordstroms and bought a dress to wear, the sales woman brought. The dresses to me and helped put them on, but oh so spendy! She saw my gross worn out bra and called the bra girl down to measure me for a new one. I. Shoulda ask how much. I never ever paid 50 for a bra but it's a good one. The dress is light and airy so I'll need a shawl or something. Les's tomato's are huge again, must be that spot. I have two pen pals n,ow as Ruth writes, so I quess. I better.respond
Love, Cathy

Anonymous said...

Cathy-you deserve those nice clothes! Enjoy them and we can't wait to see the new dress!
Mary D.

Cathy Curths said...

Thanks Mary!
See you soon.
Love, Cathy

john said...

Cathy, the home made food might work out fine . How does that Work ? Let us know ! Love DAd and Alice

Cathy Curths said...

We put it in the food in a blender or food processor and Add water to make it liquid, then it could go down my tube. We had to laugh one lady puts her red wine in the tube. I guess it could be cheap wine cause you wouldn't taste it! The weather looks good now in the 10 day forecast, mid 70's no rain. We met Sean's Mom and Dad at the co-ed shower.
See you soon!
Love, Cathy