Sunday, September 25, 2011

The Walk

My second year walking the walk to defeat ALS was a success. We got a late start driving downtown, so no we didn't meet Fred Noble yet. Maybe there will another opportunity. For sure I will see him when Alan comes for the ski event in April. Alicia and Sean joined us, and we had rain and sun. There were at least three thousand walkers there today. I get choked up just thinking about it all.


john said...

Cathy, glad you finished the walk. It must feel good !!Love DAd and Alice

Cathy Curths said...

Me too! Yes it was good to finish.
Love, Cathy

john said...

Cathy, anything new on the home front ? Love Dad and Alice

Cathy Curths said...

No not really. Pretty much the same.
Love, Cathy

Anonymous said...

Cathy, Congrats on finishing the walk. What a great feeling to have 3000 people there supporting you! Hope you are enjoying a nice fall and eating all those tomatoes! We have some big ones that just don't want to ripen. 80s again here today but cooling down tomorrow. We are thinking of you.
love and prayers,
Mary D.

Cathy Curths said...

Thanks, nice day here but rain by the weekend.Cool mornings. We'll take all the sunshine we can get. Les is going to make salsa. I made some but will let him make some, too. I stewed tomatoes also.
Love, Cathy

Cathy Curths said...

I received and read the article on Roger Ebert.
Very intresting.
Love, Cathy

Anonymous said...

Hey-was that the article out of USA Today about Roger Ebert?! That is the one I was going to send you, too. Did Dad beat me to it?!! Yes, it was an interesting article. Made me think more about how what you are going through feels. I wish I could make things better.
Enjoy the sunshine and tomatoes.
Mary D.

Cathy Curths said...

Les is trying to make salsa out of some.
Love, Cathy

Cathy Curths said...

It's pretty rare to encounter a person who can't talk. Les has to make calls for me and sometimes (even at kaiser) the person refuses to believe him and wants to talk to me! He has signed papers that give him the right to take care of whatever he needs to. But he has to resign the paper yearly. I've never met anyone like me, boy aint that the truth! Lol.
Thank goodness for technology or I'd be sitting around trying to write.

Anonymous said...

Good job on the walk Cathy.
Another weekend is here, it is sunny and warm. I want to ski new snow so I am hoping for a weather change.
We slice and dehydrate the tomatoes we get. It works pretty slick.
In the nobody like you department, Your positive attitude and kind heart are great assets and also quite rare.
I got bit by the neighbor dog last night jogging, same name as our cantankerous greyhound - Gracie
Hello to the rest, Love Alan

Cathy Curths said...

Oh no! People should keep dogs like that restrained. Is she a big dog? Thanks for the kind words. I wish I was like that all the time! I'm not though:( but I snap out of my bad moods pretty fast. Les's parents had a collie that bit my foot, ouch! Be sure to keep the bite area clean.
Love, Cathy

Anonymous said...

Yes, what Alan said-you are a rare, genuinely kind and gentle person-if only the world were full of them. We never realize how important being able to speak is until we can't. It would be hard to make people understand that.
The dog is an energetic Australian Shepard who likes to herd us every time we come down the road. It wasn't a big bite but concerning. They usually try and have her in when they know we will be going by on our run.
Hope you are feeling good and keeping the weight on!
love you lots,
Mary D.

Cathy Curths said...

Love you guys, too. Hunk tries to guard our place, good thing he's so short. We had Sadie in bed with us, shes so small she disappears. Rain here today, summers over!

Anonymous said...

Hi Cathy, you sure were nice to give us the tomatoes and host us for some time this past week. Great pictures of the walk and the dogs! Love, Greg

john said...

Cathy , good pictures of you and Greg and the tomatoes. Love Dad and Alice

Anonymous said...

Yes thank you for the tomatoes.They are so good.Greg and I cannot eat enough of them. It was good to see. Take care. Love Yvonne

Cathy Curths said...

I wish we would have sent even more home with you, we are going to freeze some. Yeah that's a good picture, Dad!
Love, Cathy

Cathy Curths said...

The flowers arrived and Ryan gave them water
Love you, Cathy

Anonymous said...

What a great benefit, I have an uncle suffering from mid stage ALS. It is nice knowing events like that take place.

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