Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Link found between concussions and Lou Gehrig's disease

Link found between concussions and Lou Gehrig's disease

Very fascinating artice. I feel really hard a few times in the last few years, one time so hard that I broke a rib. I've wondered if that could have had something to do with my neurological sypmtoms. And why do some people dx'd with als live for 20 years or more? There's a lot yet to be learned.


Anonymous said...

Yes, interesting articles about Lou Gehrig/disease. Two people I know with early onset Alzheimers were rock climbers, one also a gymnast.
I just read about a study linking toxoplasmosis (cats) with schizophrenia. Boy, am I in trouble.
Hope you are feeling good and getting out.
It was 101 here yesterday. School starts Monday and the students are coming back. Yikes.
See you soon!

Mary D.

Cathy Curths said...

We are looking forward to seeing you, too! Yes there is stll much to learn about the brain.
Love, Cathy

Stewartrcts said...

We are looking forward to seeing you, too! Yes there is stll much to learn about the brain. Love, Cathy