Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Les's Garden!

I had to show off the Tomatoes and Zuchini's, the best and biggest ever!


Greg Dymerski said...

I see some cucumbers too. Good job! Gardening is one of those things I can't do while immunodeficient just as I was getting into it. Nice pics from Lapine. The restaurant looks like a good breakfast place.

john said...

Cathy, which one is the gardener ? Nice garden plot . Love DAd and Alice

Cathy Curths said...

It is a good place to eat, and Les is the one who planted the garden, although I did some digging earlier this year. Yes there are cucumbers and even a corn plant. I hope that one day you can enjoy gardening again Greg. I'm up to six methotrexate a week now and will end up at eight in a few weeks. We are wiener sitting today while Alicia rinse runs errands. I enjoy having them here!

john said...

Cathy, how is that new med doing for you ? Do you notice any change in your condition ? Give us an update . Love Dad and Alice

Cathy Curths said...

It might be helping with swallowing and chewing, it takes about two months before I will notice very much,it takes a while to work. I've been on it for about four weeks now.