Monday, December 6, 2010

Six months

I'm really into dates these days, I'm not sure why? But Dec 1st was six months since Les and I had the consult with Dr. Stigler. I can really say it was one of the most awful days of my life. We left for Hawaii the next day. I was fighting depression while trying to have fun and wanted Les to have fun. It got better as the week progressed. But that morning he layed it all out for me, I don't think he expected me to be doing as well as I am by this time. Yes I'm not in perfect health but I still walk, drive, ride my stationary bike. He wanted to put a feeding tube in right away and I said no thanks, not at this time. I have to eat different but I wasnt't ready to give it up. I've read other stories of people living way longer than the doctor told them they would. God has the final say and will call me home when he's ready.
Have a great day,


Anonymous said...

Way to go sis, thanks for keeping us informed. I think the lord sees how bright your light shines in this world and that it would be unwise for you to leave it now. Keep on! Alan

Cathy Curths said...

Love you Alan!

john said...

Cathy, way to go girl.Keep up the positive ! Love Dad and Alice

Cathy Curths said...

Thanks Dad and Alice,
I hope you are doing well :)

Cathy Curths said...

Dad, did you and Alice put up your Christmas tree this year? I can't believe how long our fake one has lasted, five years at least. I don't see the fiber optic ones in the store anymore, too bad. also I just heard of Elizabeth Edwards passing, sad.

john said...

Cathy, we put ours up this weekend. Also fake ! Love Dad and Alice

Cathy Curths said...

Good glad you have your tree up. I love our fake tree, so much easier to deal with. The last real tree we had was infested with bugs. They didn't hatch till we had it up and decorated. Les had to take it outside and hose it down. The next year we got a fake one. Both Ryan and Alicia did well in their classes.

Anonymous said...

Hi Cathy, a quick note to commemorate the anniverary of moms' passing. She was a good person. Love Alan