Thursday, January 7, 2010

Why all the violence?

I turned on the news this morning to hear of another workplace shooting. I just want to know why? If a person looses his job, does it help to go back and shoot people? I don't think so. I suppose it's part of a decrease in the respect for life. We see it in how the elderly are treated and all of the abortions preformed. God help us all. Nothing is so important to be that violent. It's important to forgive, no matter what happens. Cathy


cathy said...

You are so right we are supposed to forgive no matter what.But we are living in the last days and the world is following the devil. The world has taken God out of every thing thus loosing Godly influence. Now the devil whispers in their ears and they listen.Thats why I think its so important for more christians to be living witnesses. People won't do as you say they do as you do. Actions speak louder than words.And we all need lots and lots of prayer.I will go for now but I will be back. Love in Christ Cathy Foster.

Cathy Curths said...

I agree with you. We have to be on guard and stay close to God thru prayer and stay in the word. Our CHurch has a women's group called wow(women of the word) I attend every Wed morning. It's harder now for me because my speech has been affected, but I go and still learn. Wonderful time of fellowship with other Christian women. I go to New Hope Community Church in Calckamas Oregon, btw. They have a very good website.
I hope you have a great day, Cathy wit a C same as my name:)

Greg Dymerski said...

Cathy, congratulations on the blog! Keep positive and your prayer circle will grow as well. I will link your blog to mine for anyone who is interested. Love, Greg

Cathy Curths said...

Thanks Greg, keep positive thoughts going!

Mary D. said...

It was good to read about what has been going on with you physically. We didn't really get a good chance to hear much about how you are feeling while we were there. The shortness of breath is a concern. I guess it is hard for the doctors to know anything for sure. Keep letting us know what is going on with you.
And, yes, there is too much violence in our world. We need much more forgiveness and kindness and love. You have always been an excellent example of that.
Hang in there. We are always with you in thought and prayer.

Unknown said...

Mary wrote enough so that all I have to say is I'll be watching and learning from your webbyloggy!

cathy said...

Yes my name is spelled with a C. In my younger years people would call me kathlene,kathrene,and kathy.I would get so irritated.I would say no just plain cathy with a C.But as I got older I realized that the people I was dealing with saw around 20-60 people a day.So I just started saying its cathy with a c. Married 25 years thats great.I know that we have only been married for 10 years but some times I feel as if we have been together forever.I'm sorry your having so many problems. What kind of problems are you having? I have been having a lot of problems to.But so far the dr's can't tell me what is wrong with me.Not knowing is as bad as my symptoms.I'm praying for you please pray for me to.I know the Lord's will be done even if we don't know why.Praise the Lord!! It helps to have some one to talk to. Thank you Cathy. Love in Christ, Cathy Foster

Cathy Curths said...

Cathy Foster, I have muscle weakness, mostly in my face and throat. The Doctor's dx is Muslce Neuron Disease. It's hard to dx because there are so many other things with similar symtoms. But I have had all of the tests and that's what they think it is. Time will tell. But yes I'll pray for you, too. Love in Christ, Cathy